Let me just start by saying my husband is incredibly patient. I look back at 2014 and am amazed we ended up getting married. He took on some incredible burdens and carried them for me. He was thrown into a lot of unpredictable situations and he brought them to God while patiently and slowly working through them. I love Jared.
When I had a seizure during student teaching, he talked me through the pros and cons of taking a break from school. He sat patiently while I cried or went off on some angry rant. When I was going through all my testing, he brought me food in the hospital and came to any appointments I was nervous about. When I was prescribed medication, thinking I wouldn't be able to have biological children if I started taking it, he didn’t seem phased or disappointed. We had many talks about what our future would look like and he was constantly reminding me that he wanted to marry me because he loved me-not some fantasy of the future with some like me. He loved me.
When he proposed, he didn’t retract the question even though I was super angry with him. (I cannot remember why in the world I was so angry with him). When he was offered a pastoral position at our church, he talked to me about it and went through all scenarios, making sure I was comfortable with our decision. When I started to pick fights with him and had doubts about whether or not we should go through with the wedding, he hugged me, listened to me, loved me. Like I said, this man is patient.
When I started back at school and had crazy hours, he would leave surprise notes and gifts on my car. When we were at our wedding and I was overwhelmed and wanted to leave the reception early, he got the car. When I had a giant panic attack upon arriving home from our honeymoon, he hugged me…and then moved everything that was stressing me out into another room and closed the door. When I wasn’t able to greet him when he came home from work, he didn’t complain. He waited up late so we could watch our shows together. When we were trying to navigate holidays, he was patient with everyone. He listened to me cry, throw fits, he watched me fall into deep depression. I doubt he knew what to do in any of these situations, but he was consistent in reminding me that he loved me and that God loved me. He was consistent in hugging me and letting me cry. He was consistent in praying.
Jared had a hard year too. I can’t speak to all his feelings. But I know it’s not easy to carry someone else’s burdens, especially if you’re new in learning how to do so. He did it with patience, grace, and prayer. For that, I am so very grateful.